
constant view

The view of my bedroom as I lie on my bed. A wall of Urban Outfitters catalogue pages, a simple clock, a back of a door overflowing with outerwear and bags. Not much.

School has been all right lately. Actually, I lied. It's been pretty bad in math, but great in English class. I received my math quiz today, which I failed miserably (9.5/23) which is quite possibly one of the worst marks I have ever gotten on any quiz (so much for acing math this term). But on a brighter note, I got my English crossgrade essay exam back and I got 21/24 on but considering I got one of the highest marks and most people got under 20, I'm pretty pleased with it. It was an essay regarding the negative impact of technology in our lives today. While writing it in-class, I kind of gave up because I felt like my argument sucked and everything just went on and on like I was blabbering about nothingness, but I guess it turned out pretty well.

I've been volunteering a lot lately for different events. The most recent one I did was handing out water at a water station for the Vancouver Marathon just a week ago. I have now signed up a local neighbourhood festival called Collingwood Days, the ChildRun for the BC Children's Hospital Foundation, and the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival. At first I was doing this just for the hours that I need to complete my Leadership 11 course, but now I'm starting to see the greater aspects of it - the idea of giving back to the community (I know this phrase is so overused) and obtaining plenty more experience that will benefit me in the future. I feel like I'm signing up for a bit more than I can juggle (most of them I signed up for all shifts of the day), but I feel like if I don't, then I'll be missing out on experience and I'd probably be doing something less productive at home.

I'm feeling a bit horrible right now because my throat kind of hurts (I'm not sure if I'm sick or if this is allergies or what) and I have allergies and so one nostril is plugged and my nose is itchy, I keep sneezing, my eyes keep watering, and my ears feel slightly plugged. Oh god. I really need to take some allergy medication. Good bye.

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