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So today was the first day of classes! So I think I will go through all of them and share my thoughts that no one cares about.

Block A- Biology
I hate biology. Well, it's interesting, but I hate memorizing everything. I already took Biology 12 last year but I'm retaking it because I totally slacked off and I want to use this course mark for university admission and so I'm retaking it. I don't want to though, because it's such a pain rememorizing everything, but yeah. I don't remember, like, anything anymore. And what sucks is that this one pen that I like to use for my Bio notes (this skinny blue pen that writes really skinny ink out) stopped being made and I only have one more left that will clearly not last me through the year so now I'm sad. My textbook is huge and heavy and also it smells like shit. Well, not shit. It smells like the nasty smell of dissection, which makes me want to gag and not even touch the textbook. Ugh. My teacher seems really nice though. She's so so so overenthusiastic though and it's kind of weird.

Block B- Calculus
My teacher is on maternity leave and so I have a substitute who is this Indian woman but she's so nice, and I think I'm really going to like her as a teacher. She decided that since it's the first class, we weren't going to do any work (which is good) but she made us do all this stuff to introduce ourselves to the class and to her (which was bad). I mean, I hate being social and talking about myself because honestly what is there to say about me. I'm boring and hate most people and I'm broke from shopping. But she made us fill out a form about ourselves and she asked if anyone's birthday is in this month so I raised my hand and told her (September 13) and she said that that's her birthday too and that she's definitely bringing donuts. Haha. Then we had to go through each person and each person would say their name and something about themselves. I had nothing to say so I said I like shopping. A lot.

Block C- P.E.
I had P.E. and my teacher is my last year's volleyball coach. And despite the fact that NO ONE (except for, like, one person but besides her) had their P.E. strip, we had to play dodge ball. Ugh I mean I don't even like playing dodge ball in my P.E. strip so it was even worse playing it in my regular clothes. In fact, I hate dodge ball in general, because I can't throw for shit. Like, I prefer kicking. I can't throw hard but I can kick hard. That's why four-corner soccer is my favourite activity in P.E. class. That's why I've kicked balls in girls' faces. BY ACCIDENT, OF COURSE.

Block D- Pre-Calculus
I have the same teacher as last year which I'm fine with because he's really nice and he's not that tough but his tests are just really long. But I'm glad I'm in his class because I got to bug him about him giving me 85% for third term, which is like, 1% away from an A. DSFSkjfsfjld that would've been my first A in math since, well, grade 8 or 9! But like, last year my friend and I were saying stuff to him about how we were going to cry ourselves to sleep every night if he didn't give us some sort of mark that I forgot what it was, and he felt really bad. So for this form we filled out about ourselves, one of the questions asked what we got last year in math, and I wrote that because he gave me 85% I cried myself to sleep every night in the summer. And then he went around talking to people more about the questionnaire and we had a nice conversation about me crying myself to sleep. And then he was like "But seriously, did you actually cry?!" and I was like "No, I just wanted to make you feel bad." Haha but he's honestly a really nice guy (but he's like 40something and single so that's kind of sad).

Ohohohoh and I talked to my P.E. teacher (who coached me in volleyball last year) and asked her if she's coaching the senior team again this year and she said no! She was the one who sucked the fun out of volleyball for me so now I think I will try out for the team. Hahah. I have no idea when the tryouts are though but I'm a bit nervous because I hadn't done volleyball in like a year and also in senior level, like, everyone's in club volleyball and I don't do club so I feel like I suck more than all of them. In fact, I'm pretty sure I do suck more than all of them but oh well. I just hope if I get into the team, I can balance volleyball and school/homework/studying because volleyball is VERY time-consuming and tiring.

Well, I hope tomorrow goes well.

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