
untitled #19

Here's a highly edited selfie 4 yall!!!!!!!!

It's the last week of school and lately it's been hella stressful!!! I guess it's mostly my fault but anyway I'm supposed to be typing up my astronomy lab report that's due later today but I'm taking a break from it right now. On friday I had an astronomy assignment due, on sunday I had my a quiz for linguistics due and online chem homework due, yesterday I had a linguistics assignment due, today I had my creative writing assignment due at 11am (which I finished a few hours before) and my astronomy lab report is due later today at 5pm (so I gotta haul my ass over to school and hand it in ugh), tomorrow I have my last chem pre-reading quiz due (I'M SO SICK OF THESE bc we have one due before basically every single class) and on thursday I have my creative writing quiz (it's more of an exam than a quiz though considering it's worth 30%!!!!) and then nothing on friday and then HECK YEA NO MORE CLASSES!!! Then I have two finals and then I'll be officially done term 1!!!! And then cHRIST FUCKING MAS I'm so excited for the holidays yall dont even understand!!! I really hope it snows a lot (but not before my exam period ends bc I dont want them to postpone finals due to the snow and have to write them in fucking january...... this actually happened like 2 or 3 years ago but thankfully not to me).

Yesterday my friend and I were bussing home from school together. We met in our astronomy lab and we became partners in the lab because we happened to be sitting next to each other. Turns out she takes the same bus as me and she gets off at a stop that's literally like a few minutes after my stop, and she's also really interested in physics and astronomy like me so it's really cool!!! But anyway people on the bus must've thought we were weird as heck because we talked about sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming and our experiences with realizing that we were dreaming while inside a dream (a common thing that happens to both of us: we'd realize that we're in a dream and then get so excited that we realized it that we accidentally wake ourselves up hahaha). But anyway we were talking about higher dimensions (eg. four, five, or six dimensional worlds) and about how we wanted to so badly visualize how that would look like (but obviously as humans in a 3 dimensional world we can't conceive higher dimensional objects) and then we started going on about stuff like what if colours don't look the same to everyone. Like what if I see yellow and it's called yellow but to someone else they see red but they also call it yellow because that's what it's named??? If that makes any sense hahaha. And also colours outside the visual spectrum haha like it's mindblowing to think that I guess there's probably other colours that we can't see?? Hahaha it was a super interesting conversation nonetheless.

Anyway I should just finish my lab report and get it over with so I don't run out of time!!!! Pce boys n girls

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