

I thought I'd just do another diary-like entry filled with my thoughts and current feelings about dumb shit etc etc.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Two days ago I watched the Perks of Being a Wallflower official trailer for the first time and to be very honest I am disappointed and kind of angry about it.

I feel like I'm about to go into this huge rant mode but I will control myself. Okay. I don't even know where to begin because I have so many thoughts about all the stuff I dislike about this trailer spinning around and around in my head. Well, first of all, I'll just say that I was hoping the film would live up to the book. Because the book was like fucking perfect and I was just praying that the film would be equally as good because it is my favourite novel of all time. OF ALL TIME. Like, EVER. But as soon as the trailer began, I could already see my hopes plummeting. The way the scenes look and everything, I don't even know how to describe it, so I'll use a Youtube user's term in his/her comment. He said it was too "glossy", and I agree. It just looks too.. modern? I can't find the right word, but something just isn't right about the overall look and feel of the trailer. Second, I was really hoping that they would make the film more indie-ish, if you get what I mean, like how the book was written. Like, this novel, I must admit, is really unique and beautiful and sad all at the same time. It was just something different and many people said that it changed their lives. The film just makes it look like a typical high school movie about a kid trying to fit in. But the thing is, in the novel, they look at it in such a deeper level, about his friend's suicide in the beginning, and (if you haven't read the novel, and don't know what happens, I hope I don't spoil anything..) the fact that he was raped by his Aunt Helen, and the constant reference to the song 'Asleep' by The Smiths (which is really quite beautiful and is one of those songs that I can just lie there and listen to and just think about things):

Lastly, the cast. Well, I only have an issue with one character in particular. But I'd just like to say that I think Logan Lerman fits Charlie's role perfectly. Like, I swear, while reading the novel, I imagined Charlie to look almost exactly like that, with dark hair and an innocent, sweet face and slightly awkward persona (because Charlie, in the novel, was so innocent and sweet, he makes reader kind of just feel like they want to the friends with him, or at least that's how I felt). However, I never really imagined Sam to look like Emma Watson. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really love Emma, but I just felt like she didn't exactly fit the role, in terms of appearance. That's just my opinion. And that kind of goes back to the whole me wishing the film looked more indie kind of thing, because I think it would've been nice to see a fresh or lesser-known person star as Sam. I don't know. Well, I really hope that this trailer just happened to be bad compared to the film, or the trailer just didn't interpret the film well, because I'm really sad about it. I think I got my hopes too high as soon as I heard that the Perks was being made into a film. Sigh. Either way, I will watch the film regardless because this is my all-time favourite novel being turned into a film for crying out loud, but if the film is just as bad as the trailer, I think I will cry. Until then, I can't wait wait to see the other trailers that come out (hopefully they will be 99939847458345 times better and so will the film) and I really cannot wait to see the film when it comes out in the fall!

Anyway, some other news, SUMMER BREAK IS COMING SOON! Just a couple more weeks and I am free! I believe last day of term 3 is June 15, but the thing I'm confused about is whether or not we still have to remain in classes after term 3 ends, because wouldn't that be pointless? Well, I have a physics 11 final exam on June 12 that I believe will be in-class, and a math final on June 19, which will be a regular 2-hour exam written in the gym. I would have a biology 12 exam, but I'm dropping it so yay, I only have 2 exams with a week separating them so I should have plenty of time for studying for math. I'm just a bit concerned about my physics one because I haven't exactly started yet and it's in less than a week..

But speaking of biology, I dissected a fetal pig! We named him Poo(h). To be very honestly, he looked quite cute the first class we worked on him. Like, he just looked like a cute little baby pig despite that fact that he was dead, stinky and smelling like the liquid they use to preserve him, and had a green tongue slightly sticking out. You know what? I'll post a photo in memory of him (YOU WILL BE MISSED, POO(H)) once I find the picture because for some reason it's not showing up in my phone's album when I plug it into the computer *sad face*. But yeah, he was quite adorable even though he was dead and not even born yet and, like, ripped out of the momma pig's womb before he was born.

Ooh, and I've recently started listening to Girls. Like, I've heard of them before, but I never really searched their stuff up until now. I'm listening to 'Vomit' right now actually:

It's one of those songs that makes me happy and sad at the same time and I don't know, it's just really relaxing. I used to listen to music like this all the time until I started listening to a lot of hip hop/rap, such as Odd Future, Logic (ILY SO MUCH LOGIC <3), Drake, etc etc, so this is kind of like going back to the music I really enjoyed last year.

Speaking of music, today while walking to the golf course for P.E. class, I was singing to my friend my own variation of 'Let's Go Surfing' by the Drums and I was singing the chorus as "I wannnnna, I wanna go golfing!" I don't know, I've just been feeling really happy and giddy these past two days. I guess because this week of stress from projects and tests and quizzes is over and weekend is here but I still have more shit for next week. My schedule goes as follows:

Monday- English 'Quest', Leadership project due
Tuesday- Physics final exam
Wednesday- Math test, English project due
Thursday/Friday- NOTHING YAY

Oh and then the next week's Tuesday I have my math final exam, and then I am FREE. I AM DONE. GOOD BYE, SCHOOL. Except I have to come back to pick up report cards at the end of June, but WHATEVER. ALMOST THERE. ALMOST DONE GRADE 11. And then I'll be a senior next year.. I'm not so keen on that.

P.S. I should do one of these weekly! Like, every Friday or something. Cool.

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