
just like honey

Here is a picture of me for yall because I really like my hair here (insert that sassy girl emoji here hahahah)

I can't believe that high school is coming closer and closer to an end wah. My grad ceremony is on May 29 which is less than a month away and prom is sometime mid-June and I'm getting really anxious and scared because I really hate change and I don't want to leave high school. I think I should just really try to enjoy this last bit of time here before it's over instead of worrying about it all the time but I really can't help it. And it really doesn't help that we're doing a unit about growing up and adulthood in French right now.

I've realized that lately I've been spending a lot of time just lying on my bed. I used to not understand how people could possibly spend so much time in their room but now that I have this Macbook and my iPhone with me I can just lie here and listen to music and not care about anything. I don't know. I just love my bed now. It's so comfy and nice. Plus it's a nice place to just think about stuff.

Anyway tomorrow I'm going shopping with my friend Karman and we're gonna get gelato and I'm really excited!! We're going to La Casa Gelato which apparently has the most flavours available here. According to their website it says they have "518 flavours and 218 on site at all times". Plus I hear they have a durian flavour ;))) It's so weird though because I have driven past this gelato place hundreds and hundreds of times when I was younger whenever I visited my grandparents in Chinatown (which was quite often) but I've never stepped foot in there. I remember always looking at the gelato place though and I always thought that the exterior looked pretty ghetto. Hahahah

Lately the weather has been so so so nice! Like, just take a lot at this!!

If this isn't beautiful for Vancouver weather in early May then I don't know what is!!! Hahahahah I'm so so happy though. I mean, usually the sky is all ugly and cloudy and sad to look at but lately it's just been bright and blue and wonderful. Yayyyyy

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