
state of dreaming

Wow okay I haven't posted in a while. Actually, for like over a week. Okay. Well this will be a post with no pictures because I'm on my phone right now and I haven't really figured out how to do pictures and stuff hahahaha.

So I'm getting my report card today and based on the marks my teachers already posted or showed us, my average for UBC is 92%. It's not bad but it's not really good either. Some people I know already submitted their marks and got accepted and I really want to submit my marks too but I'm really paranoid and I want to get my report card first to double check my marks before I actually submit them because I don't want to fuck it up hahaha. I'm really nervous that I won't get into UBC now though, since my average is like around the borderline. I'm just hoping that my personal profile was good enough ahhhhhhhhh

Yesterday was the Spring Fling dance which I think is the last dance of the year??? Hahaha it was okay though. There were more people there than at the previous dances I think. But yeah.

Spring break is in like 2 days!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh I AM SO EXCITED!! I just have today and tomorrow left of school and then 2 week of freedom YESSSSS I CANNOT WAIT!!!! The only downside is that I don't have nature documentaries to watch because I'm still on hold for the ones I want from the library. :((( But during spring break, I plan to be more fit and work out! So I'm gonna eat healthy and jog everyday and do workouts! Hahaahha we'll see how that goes because I have no idea how I'm gonna do it considering I'm so fucking lazy! But I've been really motivated lately and it's so lame but something that's really driving me is: "suck it up and someday you won't have to suck it in." I found out that I'm like 110 lbs now omfg and during the summer I was like 102-105 and I want to get back down to there!! Actually, I kind of want to drop down to 100 but idk if I can do it. I should stop doubting myself so much though. To be honest though, it's not really the number on the scale that matters to me, it's how I look hahaha. I wanna tone up my stomach!! It's so weird though because my arms are toned (ugh I swear sometimes I look like I have Madonna arms) but I don't do anything to tone them... like, they're just toned?? Hahah I hate it though, I'd rather have skinny little arms.

Anyway I gotta study for my bio test now that I fell asleep studying for last night . Bye.

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