
washroom aesthetics, school, purchases

Look at the aesthetic of this washroom in the Scarfe building!!! The aesthetic though *_*

Yesterday I had my linguistics presentation (I feel terrible because I contributed so less to my group..... I hope they didn't write shit about me in the evaluations..........). It was so boring but I'm glad it's over with now!!! Sitting in a lecture hall and watching presentations for 2.5 hours isn't exactly my idea of a fun friday night but whatever, I'm officially done with term 1 and now I just have to wait for marks to be posted which I think will be in less than a week!!! I'm so nervous for my chem mark because I know I failed u_u but I'm curious about astronomy considering how badly I did on the final.......

Anyway I haven't done ANY christmas shopping for anyone at all yet (except for myself I guess lmao) which is so bad. I'm always such a last minute person when it comes to xmas shopping!!! Here are a few purchases I got for myself recently though:

The Too Faced Primed & Poreless pressed powder is pretty good (I already talked about it in my previous post) but tbh the packaging looks so cheap and bad.... it literally looks like a cheap plastic container like some fake ass lil compact that comes in a doll set...... but idk that's just my onion

On the left is a cute pair of fleece pj pants (I love fair isle bc it makes it look so cozy and wintery and cute!!!) I got them from Old Navy on sale for $9 so yay! And on the right is a onesie with cats all over it that my friend Madz got for me!!!!!!!! A ONESIE. WITH CATS. Oh my god I was literally so excited when I got it and I tried it on and it was so freaking cute ahhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway that's about all I have to say!! This winter break I'm gonna try to be productive and maybe start relearning integrals so that I'll actually do well this time around in math 105 and I think I'll try to read some books and stuff as well. Bye bbs

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