So I finally got a tattoo after wanting one since forever!!! I took the above pic the next day after getting it and it looks so dry and gross but it's now fully healed and looking cute as hell :~) So I had wanted a tattoo for quite a while but the main issue was that I never really knew exactly what I wanted until I came across this tattoo as well as Olivia Harrison's instagram. So I really wanted a hand holding some sort of flowers and that's when Madalene and I found out that Olivia would be tattooing at a flash tattoo event at Black Medicine. Basically there would be 4 artists there with pre-drawn tats and you pick one, it gets crossed out so no one else can get it, and you get it done right there. So we went there with a couple other friends and lined up for 2 hours (we survived on mcdonalds dont worry). Luckily I was 10th in line so when we got in we went straight to Olivia's flash sheets and I was praying that she would have one of a hand (since she did a couple before) and to my luck she did!!!
Madz and I waiting after we chose our tattoos :~)
:O!!!! I was so nervous at this point lol my hands were sweating
right after I got it done!!!
So I got it on my left inner forearm (close to my elbow). I wasn't really sure what to expect in terms of the pain but it honestly wasn't bad at all!! I thought it would be a lot worse but it literally felt like someone scratching you hard. Plus vibration from the machine lol. In fact I was just laying there staring at the ceiling and I got kind of bored halfway through haha. While getting it done though I was telling Olivia about how I was quite fond of her hand tattoos and tattoos of hands in general and she said that she wasn't even going to put the tattoo that I chose on the flash sheet until the night before! She was like oh well and she threw it on the sheet anyway. She said she must've subconsciously heard my wish haha. I was so lucky!!! Anyway, the entire procedure took ~40 minutes and it costed $80 (not including tip). Madalene got a cute tattoo of 2 lavenders in a similar location to mine (hers is a little bit outer on her arm than mine - mine is like right in the middle of my forearm when I hold my arm out).
The tattoo shop was pretty cute too :~)
Afterwards we went to Matchstick Coffee Roasters in Chinatown because it was super close (about a block or two away) and it was really cute in there!! I got an iced latte as did another friend, and Madalene got a hot chocolate.
dat saran wrap
So yeah!!! My mom wasn't very pleased with the fact that I got a tattoo but she seems to just pretend it doesn't exist anymore (she hasn't said anything or even looked at it since the night I showed it to her when I got home lol) and my dad doesn't seem to care. So oh well. I mean it's not like they can get rid of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway I think some people may feel like what I did was quite rash and naive since I just went and picked out a random tattoo as my first one (which is basically what I did lol) but in all honesty different people have different opinions and perspectives when it comes to tattoo. Obviously some people believe that tattoos must have a meaning and a story behind it but personally for me, I like tattoos because I see them as a nice piece of art on your skin. A lot of people seem to enjoy looking down upon people who get tattoos without a special meaning to them or making them feel bad by saying things like "you're going to regret that in the future" and whatnot which I think is absolutely ridiculous. If I really like a tattoo and it makes me happy because I think it's a beautiful little work of art on my arm, why should I be made to feel guilty about it? Besides, had I not gotten my first one done so spontaneously I feel like I would have continued putting off getting a tattoo and probably end up never getting one. Welp that's just my oniOn :~)))
To end this post here's a pic of a building I spotted while waiting in line ଘ(੭ ᐡ ᵕ ᐡ)੭* ✩ ♡ ˚
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