
we're not happy til we're running away

I really like my hair here.

I realize that lately I've been spending more and more time in my room. I don't know. I just like being alone with some music, and I just like sitting here and thinking about things. I barely use the computer anymore. I just mainly use my phone, or sometimes my sister's Macbook.

I think I'm addicted to my iPhone. I really do. It seems like I can't go a day without it. No matter what, no matter where I am, I just have to go on my phone and check like every social networking site. I'm just sitting there on my phone in my spare time, in class, at lunch, afterschool, like ALL DAY. It's quite sad really.

My lock button on my phone is currently broken and has been for weeks now but I'm just far too lazy to get it fixed. Plus, I can't bear the thought of giving the Apple store my phone for repair and not having it, even for a few days. I'm kind of joking kind of not joking about that. Hahahaha. But I think I'm going to do it soon, because my friend told me that when her sister broke her home button (different button, I know, but still), she took it to the Apple store and they just gave her a new iPhone!! If that's the case for my phone, then YES PLEASE because I really hate the scratches and whatnot on my phone. Also, can I ask for a white one??? No, like, seriously.

Anyway it's either I'm sick right now or I have allergies or both. Like, my nose is so stuffy and plugged and my throat is sore and itchy and I can't stop coughing or sniffing. I can actually feel it getting worse and worse. I hate being sick and I thought my theory of washing my hands like 10 times a day with Bath & Body Works foaming hand soap to prevent sickness actually worked. Unless this is just allergies. Okay.

And to make matters worse my lower back actually hurts and I think it's from my trampolining field trip. I already know that my posture is really bad. Like, I get a lot of lower back stiffness and soreness especially when standing a lot or shopping (sometimes I pretend to bend over to look at stuff on the lower rack just to crack my back hahahahaha it's sad). I even went to the doctor and she said I should correct my posture and she put me in a position that was apparently 'good' posture and it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. She recommended that I go to a physical therapist but I've been way too lazy to book an appointment but I realize now that I probably should. My doctor didn't specify what my bad posture was but based on some internet research I think I have mild kyphosis lordosis. I think.

That's about it, bye y'all.

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