
let's be nothing, i heard it lasts forever

Okay so I said I'd post my spring break purchases and I decided that it's time to actually do it. So yeah.

Brandy Melville, $18

I saw this posted on Brandy Melville Canada's facebook page and at the moment, I swear we were infinite... omg dies okay KIDDING!! But at the moment, I FELL IN LOVE!! Today was Brandy Melville's 1 year anniversary event at the Vancouver store and so I went with my friend, Kimberly. I bought this tee and the bustier below. To be honest it wasn't that great because there weren't very many things on sale and most things were just their regular price. There was a live DJ and cupcakes for the first 200 people (I got one) and you could enter in a draw to win a $100 gift card. But other than that, it wasn't that special. In fact, it was way worse because normally the store doesn't have very many people in there (based on the times I went during spring break), but today the store was full of people and can you imagine 20 people waiting in line for 2 change rooms??? After waiting in line for about 15 minutes, I gave up and headed to the cashier line-up (also only 2 cashiers with like 193497439 people waiting) and I decided to just purchase these two items without trying them on first.

Brandy Melville, $28

I fell in love with this bustier/crop top the moment I saw it too!! It has an exposed zipper and triangular cut-outs in the back. I was actually looking for this during spring break but they said it was out of stock, and that I should come back in a couple weeks and yay they had it and I bought it!! It said "one size fits all" which I was HIGHLY skeptical about because um it's a bustier come on now, but luckily it fit me literally PERFECTLY. HOWEVER I am really fucking mad because as you can clearly see on the photo to the right, the strap to the right is SEWN ON TWISTED. Like, actually. I was so excited to wear it too!! Plus there were only like 2 more left on the rack and I plan to head back their next weekend to return it (when I go to the Topshop Vancouver Prom Party on the 21st) so I'm scared that they won't have it in stock anymore again. :(((( But I'll just take store credit for now, but I REALLY hope they have more in stock because I desperate want to start wearing this beauty.

Topshop, $8

This shirt was actually $10 but it was on sale for 2 for $16 so my friend and I both got one each! It's a basic cotton crop top that is very similar to the American Apparel one (but 9203404845 times cheaper). I haven't worn it yet because it's very cropped and I haven't found the right occasion to wear it too. Plus I don't have high enough pants to wear it during the spring time. But I could wear it in the summer with some high waisted shorts.

Topshop, $14

Another crop top from Topshop! It's just a basic cotton crop top that goes to about my belly button with a high neck thing. Whatever you call it. I've only worn it once so far and it was to Spring Fling and yeah. But omg I think my parents shrunk it in the wash!! It looks visibly smaller but I've been too scared/lazy to try it on to confirm ya feel.

Topshop, $14

ANOTHER CROP TOP (lol I'm not obsessed). Wow it looks like shit in this picture because it's been shoved into my dresser all crumpled up for a while now and so it looks like this. But yeah. It's basically a white tee that has the sleeves cuffed and sewn. The bottom is like a cut-off. Yeah.

Topshop, $40

I've been wanting a circle skirt since forever and I finally got one!! The original price was $50 but I got it for $40 because of the student promotion thing where students got 20% off their purchase. The colour is a bit off in this photo, maybe from the lighting when I took the picture or maybe from the filter but it's definitely lighter in person. But yeah, it's an acid wash denim circle skirt and I love it. But I still want a normal denim one and a black one (like the American Apparel ones!! SO CUTE).

H&M, $30

I bought this peplum dress originally for Grad Lounge but I felt like it was too formal for it after asking other people what they were gonna wear. So afterwards I bought a lace dress (posted below) that I wore instead. I decided to keep this dress though because it's really cute and I need a nice little black dress and also, I think I need some sort of peplum in my closet. Besides, it was only $30 so whatever.

Forever 21, $35

I finally have a more fitted denim jacket!! Again, the colour of the denim is a bit more rich in this photo. Like, it's less blue and a bit lighter in person, but again I think it's because of the filter or lighting. But anyway, it's just a simple denim jacket and I really like it.

Urban Behaviour, $20

This was the dress I bought for Grad Lounge! Normally I would NEVER EVER enter Urban Behaviour, but hey I was broke from all the clothes (and food, especially poutines) I bought. I'm actually really surprised because some dresses there were actually pretty cute (althought some were just hideous monstrosities). I didn't check out their other clothes, but everything is super inexpensive and yeah. So I think this is pretty good for a last minute dress purchase (since I bought it like 3 days before the event). Urban Behaviour reminds me of that other store though... uhh Sirens? Yeah.

I also bought the jeggings from H&M that I got for $10 on sale that I wore here but I couldn't take a pic of them because they're in the laundry right now. Hahaha. And now that I think about it, I forgot to take a pic of a swimsuit from Garage that I got. It's basically a polka dot bandeau on top and a black bikini bottom. So yeah.

And that's about it y'all

P.S. ahahaha I just noticed the lack of colour of my purchases

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