
you can't change the past

urban outfitters guy's t-shirt, thrifted cardigan, silence+noise jeans

C'est what I wore on Saturday. This is, like, my lazy day outfit. You know, put on a big oversized men's tee, knot that shit, throw on a thick cardigan, and a pair of high-waisted jeans. There.

And can I say how proud I am that I got 3,034,296 in Temple Run?! I don't care if you think this is low, but based on the fact that my previous high score was like 1,200,000, THIS IS FUCKING GREAT. I was so happy that I got this record on my friend's phone in English class that I took a picture of it to remember this beautiful moment forever. Ahaha I'm cool.

And finally, some words thinly carved into the washroom stall wall I saw today. "You can't change the past". There always seems to be stuff like this in the washroom. Like this, that I saw and took a picture of like a year ago:

Surprisingly, it has gotten like 10,000 notes on Tumblr now. I guess these words speak the truth.