
h.r. macmillan space centre :)))))

Yesterday evening I went to the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre for a field trip for my astronomy class and it was really cool. I brought my friend with me (because I don't really have friends in that class...... lol........) plus they said we could bring a friend so w/e. But anyway there were a lot of students there. I believe it was my class, the astr 310 class, and some class(es???) from Kwantlen. This was this surprisingly the first time I've ever gone to the planetarium and I thought it was really neat. While we were lined up to get into the planetarium, we were waiting inside along where you can see the line of windows in the above pic (btw isn't that so pretty??? this pic does nOT do it justice I'm telling u) we could see the skyline and at the time the sun was setting and it was really nice. So we when we finally got into the planetarium and sat down on the reclined seats, I totally felt like I was in that episode of Freaks and Geeks where they went to the laser dome hahaha. But anyway projected at the domed ceiling at the time was some splotchy reddish-brown and blue pattern thing that I later found out was the remnants of the Big Bang (I think it's called the cosmic microwave background??) where the red and blue spots were the temperature fluctuations. When we finally started, it was my prof explaining everything and it was interesting because it was basically like the Stellarium software except we were sitting in it rather than navigating using a computer. My prof went over all the concepts we've learned in class (the Earth's tilt, seasons, retrograde, eclipses, etc etc) and he also talked about other things we didn't cover in class that I thought was really cool. He showed us the current mapped universe which looked so beautiful and interesting

 I really want to learn more about that, so I think I might actually take the next astronomy course (102- intro to stars and galaxies) and although I'm not sure if it covers this stuff, I still think that course will be really interesting (if not more interesting than the current one I'm taking which is just about our solar system!). Anyway, there were a lot of stuff he covered at the planetarium and admittedly at some points towards the middle to end, I was started getting really sleepy and I wanted to just nap. Haha it was a pretty nice napping environment!!! It was dark, cozy reclined seats, and relaxing music!! I did actually close my eyes and drift off for a few minutes at a time though. But looking around, there were a lot of people sleeping. I mean it was the end of the day, I started school at 8am that day and I got like 1.5 hours of sleep....... I was tired as heck.

But aNYWAY all in all I think it was a super neat experience and I think it made me love astronomy even more than I already do haha! I don't know, I just think it's so fascinating how much more there is out there. Just think about it, all the stars that wE CAN SEE in the sky with our naked eyes only make up a TINY part of the galaxy. And our galaxy is just one of billions. BILLIONS!!!!! Okay I'm gonna stop now hahaha

I'll leave you with a Purity Ring song that I've been listening to a lot lately (idc if it's old....... w/e........)

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