fright nights
On friday I went to Fright Nights at Playland with some friends which was pretty fun. I wish we got to go on more rides (and I wish the lines were shorter!!!! haha) but overall it was cool hanging out and seeing people who I haven't seen in a while. Plus I hadn't been to Playland since my physics field trip in grade 11 so I was super eager to go.
When we got there, there weren't too many people at first which was good. We went on the Atmosfear first (the line was surprisingly short, I'd say it was like 15 min??) and one of the people who I went with also went to the physics field trip with me so it was fun to go on rides with her again (cause we like the same rides hehe). We reminisced on the field trip where it was raining and when we went on the Atmosfear, it was super cold and our faces were literally pelted by rain and it was painful but we couldn't stop laughing when we were up there and honestly we couldn't tell if we were laughing or crying hahaha. So we kinda relived that but it wasn't raining this time (thank god because it was hella cloudy) so it was just cold this time haha but once again we laughed so hard up there. Idk there's just something about rides that make me laugh a lot.
We also went on the Musical Express (but for some reason when we were on they made it much much shorter??? like what the heck I SWEAR like I honestly swear it was like half the length that the ride is actually supposed to be!!! but anyway), Hell's Gate, and Corkscrew (wow listing these, I went on so few rides......). We went to only 1 haunted house since the wait time for each one were literally 1 to 1.5 hours. It was called the 'Keepers Doll Factory'. The backstory to it is basically a group of cloaked men who were like some sort of cult or something like that and they abduct people and cut off limbs and body parts and I guess sew them together like dolls?? But the haunted house was such a disappointment!! It was so well-lit in there which I think made it less scary, and idk overall it just wasn't very scary. There's a haunted house that I heard is pretty scary though called 'Asylum'. I wish I went to more haunted houses since there were like 7 in total, but the lines were so long that it is probably actually impossible to go to all the houses in one night. I also wanted to go to this one that was like a giant evil clown head as the entrance (I think it's called Car-N-Evil??) but we didn't. :((
Afterwards a few of us went and eat pho and yeah
I kinda want to go again haha but I don't think I would want to spend another $35 to go again. Plus I have round 2 of midterms coming up. So yeah, I'm gonna get back to studying now
h.r. macmillan space centre :)))))
Yesterday evening I went to the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre for a field trip for my astronomy class and it was really cool. I brought my friend with me (because I don't really have friends in that class...... lol........) plus they said we could bring a friend so w/e. But anyway there were a lot of students there. I believe it was my class, the astr 310 class, and some class(es???) from Kwantlen. This was this surprisingly the first time I've ever gone to the planetarium and I thought it was really neat. While we were lined up to get into the planetarium, we were waiting inside along where you can see the line of windows in the above pic (btw isn't that so pretty??? this pic does nOT do it justice I'm telling u) we could see the skyline and at the time the sun was setting and it was really nice. So we when we finally got into the planetarium and sat down on the reclined seats, I totally felt like I was in that episode of Freaks and Geeks where they went to the laser dome hahaha. But anyway projected at the domed ceiling at the time was some splotchy reddish-brown and blue pattern thing that I later found out was the remnants of the Big Bang (I think it's called the cosmic microwave background??) where the red and blue spots were the temperature fluctuations. When we finally started, it was my prof explaining everything and it was interesting because it was basically like the Stellarium software except we were sitting in it rather than navigating using a computer. My prof went over all the concepts we've learned in class (the Earth's tilt, seasons, retrograde, eclipses, etc etc) and he also talked about other things we didn't cover in class that I thought was really cool. He showed us the current mapped universe which looked so beautiful and interesting
I really want to learn more about that, so I think I might actually take the next astronomy course (102- intro to stars and galaxies) and although I'm not sure if it covers this stuff, I still think that course will be really interesting (if not more interesting than the current one I'm taking which is just about our solar system!). Anyway, there were a lot of stuff he covered at the planetarium and admittedly at some points towards the middle to end, I was started getting really sleepy and I wanted to just nap. Haha it was a pretty nice napping environment!!! It was dark, cozy reclined seats, and relaxing music!! I did actually close my eyes and drift off for a few minutes at a time though. But looking around, there were a lot of people sleeping. I mean it was the end of the day, I started school at 8am that day and I got like 1.5 hours of sleep....... I was tired as heck.
But aNYWAY all in all I think it was a super neat experience and I think it made me love astronomy even more than I already do haha! I don't know, I just think it's so fascinating how much more there is out there. Just think about it, all the stars that wE CAN SEE in the sky with our naked eyes only make up a TINY part of the galaxy. And our galaxy is just one of billions. BILLIONS!!!!! Okay I'm gonna stop now hahaha
I'll leave you with a Purity Ring song that I've been listening to a lot lately (idc if it's old....... w/e........)
studying, yUNG LEAN (!!!!), astronomy (heck yea)
What the heck is studying??? lol
Wednesday morning (Oct 8) was a total lunar eclipse!!! For my astronomy assignment we were supposed to take photos throughout the eclipse (mind you it started at like 2:15ish and ended at 5ish and ppl in my lecture were sooo not down to get up at that time but I'm a night owl so w/e) and everything was going fine and dandy but sADLY right before the total eclipse, it got cloudy and a bit foggy and no one could really see anything here so yeah
Also I had my organic chemistry midterm on thursday where I nearly DIED because I am literally so bad at chem and ochem especially and yeah!!! That day at school I spent literally from 12:30pm when I was finished my only class of the day til like 6:30pm doing practice midterms (the exam was at 7). On the plus side the exam was formatted EXACTLY like the practice midterms but sadly I think I did really bad. I mean like with ochem I can never tell if I'm doing it right or not?? Like I'll completely guess and sometimes I'll get it spot on but other times I think I'm doing alright but I'm completely wrong??? ya know what???? fuck ochem I hope this is the last chem course I ever take
On a brighter note I got my creative writing quiz that's worth 30% of my grade back (is that even considered a quiz????? it's literally more like an in-class midterm) and I GOT 89.6% ON IT!!! Yay I'm super happy because I barely studied and I was really scared I would like monumentally fuck up on it
I'm so excited!!!!! I didn't go the last time they came which was really recently (July 18) and now they're coming back!!! I literally didn't think they'd come back to North America yet alone Vancouver anytime soon but this was such a pleasant surprise and I am dragging my friend there with me.
Anyway I shall return to studying now cause I have my astronomy midterm on friday but I'm not too stressed about it because astronomy is one of the only classes I actually pay attention to in lectures because I love it so much!!! In fact we have an optional field trip this coming wednesday at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre and I'm def going because our admission price is significantly reduced (we pay $5 and I believe the normal student price is $13?? I mean it's not much....... but still......) and also this actually sounds really fun hahaha. Plus my prof said they'll show us concepts and stuff we're learning in class there that are impossible to show in class and it'll probably be helpful for the midterm. So yay!!!
Ok bye bbs!!!
happy 3 years 1 month and 1 day 2 jasmine is boring!!!!!!
I just realized that I missed this blog's 3rd birthday!!! So here's a pic of me with my creepy cat poster (ty macbook for allowing me to finally look like that cat...... yes the eyes on the poster are actually like that!!!). Well I'm surprised I'm still here and this blog is still alive because I don't think I've ever kept a blog for this damn long (besides tumblr but is that really a blog??? IS IT????) But anyway wow I can't believe people actually look at this thing because it's literally a blog about my life and who in the right mind would be interested in that cause my life is super lame and boring as my blog name suggests?? But yay I will continue to update this blog forever and ever and forever cringe and laugh and cry at my old posts and pics and tHAT'S OKAY because I am constantly changing and growing.
P.S. let me just say that for once in my life I can look at a picture of myself from a year ago and still like how I look!!! I really like looking through my camera roll on my phone and I was looking at pictures of myself from last summer which was over a year ago and I was like wow, was this actually a year ago??? Because I think I still look pretty much the same. Hahaha goodbye to those awkward high school years where I looked like shit but slightly less shitty each year......
So yeah hAPPY BDAY BLOG u are now 3 turn up!!!
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