So I think I said that I was going to post some pics from my cousin's 5th birthday party and I'm too lazy to upload them so I'll just post the photo I instagrammed!
It was so cute because it was all Disney princess themed and yeah! And they were wearing princess dresses and it was just so adorable.
And then there was Winter Formal
So here's me and then me and my friend. And below is a pic that I didn't like of myself so I made us into cats with the app Catwang hahah.
Then there's some people and below is a post-Winter Formal selfie.
And thaaaat's about it. The dance was okay. I wish more of my friends went but they didn't want to (boo you) which I still don't understand! I mean like this is one of the only formal dances where you actually get the dress up and everything but maybe dressing up isn't their thing. Sigh.
And then I don't remember what day this was (a Saturday? I don't know) but the sky was cute so I took a pic of it.
I know that some people are really anti-sky pictures because they're just clouds and whatever but I personally think that they're pretty.
I had a long weekend this weekend (no school on Monday) but I spent my entire weekend studying for midterms (for my bio and math ones mostly). I'm so so so screwed for my chem one which is tomorrow which I should be studying right now but instead I'm wasting my time doing this but yeah. On the plus side, I'm not planning to use chem 12 for university admission, but on the minus side I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AND I DON'T WANT TO FAIL. Okay. So I spent a lot of time going to the Central Library which is downtown and I think it's really pretty (architecture-wise).
Okay this photo I took on the 6th floor really doesn't do this place justice but the view is nice. Hehe. Oh and when I was skytraining home, the view was even nicer!
I love when the sky gets bluey purply pinky in the evening time because it's just so pretty. I love skies. Hahaha.
Oh and I'll also post my outfit from yesterday that I instagrammed:
will write where all this shit i'm wearing is from later
I look so fucked up in that picture because I'm sick. But I like my hair colour there even though it doesn't look like that in real life! But I'm sick. Ughhhhhhhhhh. This week has been absolute hell for me. First, I was sore from PE for like 3 days because of this workout we did. Then I got sick with the cold (and I think flu too). And I got my period. And now I have pink eye!! From what my doctor said, my pink eye was from the virus that I got sick with and it went to my eyes. So it's a viral pink eye and there's nothing much I can do about it besides wait for it to pass in about 7 days. 7 DAYS. So basically I'm going to look like I just cried/I have pink eye/I'm high for 7 days. GREAT.
And now I must studyyyyy because I have a chem midterm tomorrow, a bio midterm on Friday and a math midterm on Monday. Kill. Me. Now. BYE.