Wow I am so behind on my posts, so I'll just post stuff I was planning on posting in order right now.
So, my last volleyball season in my whole entire life is over. Well, chances that it is over is like 99%. We placed sixth in our lower mainlands tournament on Saturday and ugh. This is so depressing. We're most likely not going to provincials this year, considering the only way we'll get in is if enough teams drop out from it... which I doubt will happen. I mean, if one team does decide not to go, there's still other teams ahead of us who will get the spot first. So yeah.
I've been on the volleyball team since grade 8, so all of my high school years and wah. I'm actually going to really miss this. Back in grade 8 and grade 9, volleyball was mostly just for fun and everything for me since I thought I wasn't that good, but in grade 10, when we won the city championships and placed thirteenth in the province, I realized that maybe I'm not so bad at volleyball. Haha. I mean, I was never really confident about my volleyball playing at all before. I remember in grade 8, during the first tryout, there was about 60 or 70 girls who tried out and when the coach asked who participated in elementary school volleyball, almost everyone raised their hand except for me. The only reason why I tried out in grade 8 was to prove to my older sister that I can make it on the team because she was on the team in her grade and she said I probably would never make it on since you have to tryout but me, being all stubborn and headstrong and all, tried out and made it on the team and proved her wrong!!! Haha. I'm so glad I actually did participate in volleyball because I honestly can't imagine what I'd do without it. Life would be so boring. Well, first term would be so boring, since volleyball season only lasts about that long. I've been playing the power position (aka outside) every year and I remember back when I was in grade 8 I was so bad at hitting the volleyball that I tried to avoid it at all costs by setting or bumping the ball over the net whenever someone set the ball to me. Hahah. Now, hitting is one of my favourite things to do because when I get a good swing at the ball, I'm actually pretty good at hitting I think. ^_^
I think it's time for a throwback hehehe
GRADE 8!! Hahah omg this is so horrible. I'm the second girl (#4) to the right. I know, I look so different. I present to the world me and my hideous bangs that were too long. But anyway, in our bantam year we were second in the city. We lost in the finals against our rival team and yeah. This was so long ago, I barely remember this season at all to be honest. All I remember was that I was really bad at hitting the ball so every time I got set, I would just bump or set the ball over the net and my coach had to keep telling me to actually hit the ball.
Here's a badly stretched photo of the team in GRADE 9! I'm #4 again (in fact every year I've been #4). Oh god. Back when I thought my bangs looked nice. Oh god. My hair looks so short and ugly. Hahah. But I think in this year, we came in sixth in the city? Or was it eighth? I don't even remember, but I know that this season wasn't too good haha.

Okay wow I look so gross here but only because I just played a tough as fuck game okay!! GRADE 10! Hehe. We were the city champions!! I think this was probably my favourite season. We were undefeated the entire regular season and playoffs (until we were crushed in the provincials and got 13th place but um yeah...). We even beat our rivals twice this season haha, once during regular season and the next during the finals! I remember how fucking intense it was I remembered I played pretty fucking well and I actually almost served the ball out from the back line which is amazing to me because my serves are usually weak af. But yeah! I think I played the best this season hehe. Like, I was on the starting line-up and I was starting to get better at hitting and everything! Also, this was the season that I probably enjoyed the most because it seemed like everyone was just one big happy group ya know?

GRADE 11! Senior teaaammm. I remember in the beginning I actually had doubts that I was going to make the team at all and I didn't even want to go through with the tryouts but I did and I made it on! ^_^ To be honest though, this was the shittiest season I ever had. I mean like, this is probably the worst I ever played (I mean like, the worst I ever felt playing). Although everyone clicked and whatever, I kind of felt like I didn't fit in with everyone else. Plus some of the girls on the team seemed kind of bitchy toward me. Like, they felt like they were far more superior than me or something just because they were older and better at volleyball than me. I mean, a few of them were super nice, like genuinely nice. And then some others seemed really fake. And basically this entire season, I was benched. And eventually, I didn't even want to do volleyball anymore. Like, this season was where I kind of lost my passion. I started making up excuses to not go to practices and games because I just didn't even want to bother with it anymore. I didn't feel like wasting my time going to games at places like North Vancouver and whatever just to sit on the bench the entire time. At this point, I even questioned whether I even liked volleyball anymore. Plus, the coach, she was super nice and all, and I think she's a great PE teacher, but I didn't really like her as a coach. She basically paid no attention to me and another girl who were probably on the bottom of the team. It kind of seemed like she didn't want to bother with us because we weren't as good and she didn't even give us a chance. Like you see how I'm the only one not wearing kneepads in the picture? Well since I was always going on my knees instead of diving, she made me take off my kneepads mid-season. But then, she didn't even help me or run any drills with me to help me with my passing and digging and diving. Like, really? And at the end of the year, she gave everyone team photos with a message written on the back from her and her favourite players (the starting line-up ones who she pays so much fucking attention to) a huge message that basically filled up the whole back of the photo and mine was like 2 or 3 lines that meant nothing. This season was absolute shit to me.

GRADE 12!! We came in 3rd in the city this year!! But no medals sadly. Haha. This year was pretty fucking great. I was actually thinking about not joining the team at first because of how shitty my grade 11 volleyball season was but thank god joined, because this was one of the best, and funniest seasons I've had! I had a different coach this year, who I thought would be kind of scary at first because he's like this coach and whatever for a volleyball club (and he's a math teacher at my school) but he was so hilarious. Hahah. This season was probably my best hitting I think. Like, my hits were actually starting to go pretty and strong. Hehe. But my serving sucked, but I finally got my serves over at the end!! So yay. Oh and I was on the starting line-up hehe. ^_^ This season was so fun, we had so many good laughs on court and off. I actually enjoyed going to practices and games, and I couldn't wait to go to them. They were such good stress relievers. I don't know what else to say. I'm so glad that I ended my high school volleyball with this season, because this season was honestly just so amazing. It makes me so sad to think that volleyball is, well, over now. I wish the season could have lasted longer, and I wish we could've made it to provincials. But honestly this season was nothing like I thought it was going to be at first (like my grade 11 season...) and I really did enjoy myself. Wahh now I'm thinking about it and it's like... no more volleyball. Except for if I join club but I don't really want to because I think I'd feel pretty intimidated by the other girls who have been in club for years. But anyway, I'm really sad that this season is over. :'(
Anyway I'm tired of typing and I need to get ready for school now. Okay bye!