
untitled #2

Hi, guys. I'm back. Ish. This blog kind of died and whatever and I last posted on it like almost 3 months ago and I told myself I would keep it alive so this is me trying to keep my blog alive. Like, by posting. Duh. Okay.

Well anyways this photo is from like a month ago but IT'S LUCAS/ME. Yes I am very cool. Don't hate.

So like, I've been listening to Odd Future a lot since I last updated this blog and well I've grown to really like their music. I mean, it's not something you'd play for your grandparents but um yeah.

Anyways, I think this is enough and I'm too tired/lazy to actually give anyone who would actually read this an update of my boring life so I guess I'll leave it at this.

P.S. My hair is split down the middle now. Yeaaah

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