go ask alice novel
Yesterday, I finished reading Go Ask Alice by Anonymous. To be very honest, I did not really like this novel and but I can sort of understand why people would like it but I don't. To explain this novel simply, it is narrated through diary entries by an unnamed protagonist who writes about her life dealing with drugs, love, sex, running away from home, and other teenage issues that eventually leads her to understand and appreciate life a bit more. The mood in the novel frequently shifts quite dramatically; in one diary entry, she appears to be very happy and elated, and in the next she is bitter and upset. I guess that somewhat reflects the typical view of adolescence as constantly changing in mood and identity, and trying to fit in. But, I didn't really like this novel. I'm not sure what quite drove me to actually complete the entire novel, but at the end, when I closed the book, I didn't exactly feel much. I like books that leave a lasting impression on me, where I can sit there and think about the novel and reflect, and wish that I could reread it again without knowing what happened so that I could relive the experience of reading such a wonderful book. As for Go Ask Alice, I hate to say this, but I found it somewhat pointless. I mean, I understand that this is a very informative novel that gives the reader an idea of the sensation of drugs, and the effects of it that will in time lead the user to an eventual downward spiral, but I didn't see what was so amazing about this novel that made people love it so much.
I've read that people think that this book is absolutely magnificent, and that only those who are not mature enough will not appreciate the quality of this novel. Maybe I am immature for this. Maybe I'm not. But either way, this is just not my cup of tea.