brandy melville shirt + cardigan, h&m shorts, a wang bag, topshop flatforms
Lately it's been hot as heck and I'm lovin it!!! I love seeing the blue sky and being blinded by the sun and sweating and feeling like I'm dying and craving the breeze of a fan. It finally feels like summer and it's really really great. Just lOOK AT THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE

Vancouver never ever ever ever hits 30 degrees but yay looking at this makes me so happy. Too bad I'm inside most of the time studying or doing nothing though. I finished my biol 112 course and did worse on it than I had hoped (78....) but now I'm currently taking eosc 114 which is natural disasters and hopefully I'll do really well in this course since I heard it's really easy. My course registration was today and I literally just spent hours panicking and stressing over my worklist/timetable and even now I'm not satisfied with it but I guess for now I'll have to wait and see if seats become available for certain lectures and etc. I'm currently majoring in oceanography and biology but I'm hoping to switch to something like physics (or geophysics?? idk yet). The shitty thing is that I don't have the prereqs to apply for a physics specialization at the moment so hopefully after second year I will have met the requirements and hopefully I can get in. Everything is so stressful though, I mean like the courses I take now is based on what I need for the future but I don't know what I want to do in the future so I don't know what courses to take!!! :-(( like I've already fucked up cause I needed a certain biol course (140) in order to take a lot of the 200 level biol courses, and I can't do any higher level physics courses because I don't have phys 102 and I fucked up badly and failed calc 2. For now I'm taking astronomy 101 which is about the solar system so it seems fun. I wanted to take 102 which is stars and galaxies but from what I heard, the course requires a lot of work and effort and since it's only offered in term 2 (and 101 is only in term 1) and since I'm already taking phys 102 and calc 2 in term 2 I feel like it would be too much since I really need to focus on those 2 courses and do well in them. That was a really long and probably grammatically incorrect sentence but oh well. And on top of that I still need my arts credits.... fuck me
Ok enough with this negative stuff let's all breathe and talk about cuter things like these 2 lace bralettes I got from Aritzia!!
They were on sale (not by much though) for $22 each, originally $25. Bralettes are obvs super in right now and I kind of had to get them. I still don't really know how to wear them (like outfit-wise) but I'm sure I'll figure something out. Bralettes are just so cute and comfy and this, my friends, is the perks of having small boobs!!!
Oh yeah and recently I've been really looking into skateboard decks and stuff because I've finally decided to actually start skating which is something I've wanted to learn since like forever but I've always been too lazy and hesitant. For sure I'm gonna get a 5boro deck because I love the designs and I've read super good reviews on them. I really wanted the mint Cinco Barrios deck but I can't find it anywhere online, like everywhere I've looked says it's outta stock which is so lame. I'm also thinking about getting the Jimmy McDonald deck Philadelphia City Hall deck but I'm not sure cause it only comes in I think 8 and 8.25 and I think I should get something smaller.
Yeah that's about it I guess. I should really study for my midterm that's tomorrow now.