I wrote a post last week and then I saved it as a draft and somehow it got deleted and I was too lazy to rewrite it until now.

On Tuesday I went to see the Conjuring and it wasn't as bad as people made it seem. Some parts I gotta admit were pretty fucking scary but besides that it wasn't that bad (like idk how people cried/fainted/shat themselves while watching it????). The storyline was actually pretty good. However that night I couldn't really sleep because in the film, people got their legs/feet pulled and grabbed at night and so I tucked my feet in and huddled up under my blanket but it was way too hot to sleep like that and so I was just sweating and I couldn't sleep. But then I switched to a thinner blanket and then I drifted off. I saw the trailer for Insidious 2 in the theatre and it comes out on my birthday so I think I might watch it!! I haven't seen the first Insidious movie yet but maybe I'll watch it online or on Netflix if they have it. Oh yeah and someone brought a kid to see the Conjuring and sometimes you could hear the poor kid whimpering but really WHO BRINGS A KID TO WATCH THIS omg
On Thursday I FINALLY went to the beach!! I went to English Bay with my friend but we didn't stay very long (like less than 2 hours) because my friend didn't want to tan but I did. Wah. I did get tanner though so yay. And also I FINALLY got to wear my American Apparel
swimsuit!! Then for some reason we decided to walk all the way down Robson and back to Granville and we picked up bubble tea along the way.
On Friday I went to high tea with a bunch of friends. I was really nice to catch up with them! We went to the Secret Garden Tea Company in Kerrisdale. The place was so quaint and cute. Here are some pictures!

We were all first-timers at high tea but the waitress was really friendly and explained a lot of things to us. I got Creamy Earl Grey tea (one of their most popular teas). When they brought out the platters of food (idek what it's called tbh) my initial thought was that it seemed like such less food and that we'd probably still be hungry afterwards. However, it was actually really filling! I was actually full afterwards, but not full as if I wanted to throw up, more of like a satisfied kind of full. You know what I mean? Hahaha but yeah. I really loved the banana bread (it tasted heavenly) and I don't remember what it's called but it's the dessert that's white topped with the light purple cream and berries and a mint leaf. I think the waitress mentioned something about white chocolate? But yeah, that was probably my FAVOURITE because it was SO SO SO GOOD ahhhhhh. I think I'll definitely go and have high tea again.
Oh and here was my outfit that day:
brandy melville dress, danier leather bag, american apparel sandals
After high tea, we were feeling a bit full so we decided to do some walking and we ended up walking all the way to Oakridge Centre. Looking at google maps now, apparently that was like a 30-40 min walk! But we were all talking and the sun was out and it just felt really nice. I don't know why but lately I just love walking around. When we got to Oakridge, we went in and looked around a little bit and then we took transit back to Shannon's house. I ended up staying at her house until like 10:30 pm and I had dinner there and everything, and we were just talking the whole time.
Oh and good news!! I applied for a job as cashier at Safeway yesterday and today I got a call to go in for an interview tomorrow morning. My friend said her manager asked her if she knew anyone interested and she mentioned me and yeah. She said that I basically have the job, and that the interview is really simple and easy and the manager is really nice. Regardless, I'm still nervous! This is literally the first time I've ever applied for a job and this is my first interview ever. I really hope it goes well! I'm actually excited to work and start earning money. Ahhhhh wish me luck!!
Then on Wednesday I'm going to watch the Celebration of Light fireworks with hopefully the same group of people who I went to high tea with. And yeah. That's about it for now I guess.