Yesterday I went to Sagan's Photo Show and the OF concert! Here are some pics I took. ^_^ (I was using my shitty iPod Touch camera though)
Sagan's Photo Show!
Only Tyler, Taco, and obviously Sagan were there. And Tyler seemed like he was in a bad mood. But I lined up at 1 pm and got in at around 2:30, but they started like over half an hour late. I fucking hate lining up for things but it was worth it ahaha. I got them to sign my Golf Wang book though (photo at the very bottom of this post)!
TACO <3 OMFG ILY P.S. I could feel his 'fro
Me looking awkward with Sagan
Another awkward pic yay
The concert:
Okay so basically I've been looking forward to this concert 2 months and I was so fucking excited!! Haha doors opened at 8 pm, show started at 9:30. I got there at around 5:45ish to line up. I was going to go earlier but my friend bailed on me last minute wah because her parents found out what OF was so they confiscated her ticket, so I had to get my sister to go with my last minute and since this was sold out, I had to get a last minute ticket off some guy on Craigslist for $70 which is like $30 more than what I paid ugh. But still, whatever, I wasn't going to go to a concert alone. That's, like, me awkward + going to concert alone = me 94858345574 times more awkward. In line, all you could smell was smoke and weed, like honestly. And there were some girls wearing those Missing Earl shirts and I was like thinking, he's not even missing anymore... Haha anyway, getting into the theatre was kind of delayed, plus apparently Tyler was having an asthma attack or something. But when Taco came out and started it was so crazy adskfsjlgf

What sucks is that Left Brain, Jasper, Earl, Syd, and Frank Ocean weren't there. It was just Tyler, Taco, Hodgy, Domo, and Mike G.
The photos look like I was farther away than I really was. I wasn't super near the front, but I wasn't near the back, either. I was kind of in the middle, and kind of to the right. In the middle middle there were so many kids trying to mosh like before the concert even began. And like, before the concert even began, security was like already saving people from the pit. But once it started and everyone was going like crazy and it started getting so hot and sweaty and I was sweaty with like not only my own sweat but other people's too, and thinking about it now makes me want to vomit but in the moment, I didn't really care because of OF haha. I can't remember the setlist now but maybe I'll find it if someone ever posts it but for sure they played songs like 'Orange Juice', 'Yonkers', 'Forest Green', 'Sam (Is Dead)', 'Benediction', 'We Got Bitches', 'French', 'Sandwiches', 'Analog', 'Burger'... I'm trying to list it off the top of my head haha. I'll update it later. And Domo Genesis apparently got his sock stolen when he was crowd surfing or something and complained about that haha, pretty funny.
Wish I could've gone to the Trash Talk aftershow at Venue! But it was 19+ so yeah.
Oh and here's my Golf Wang book that Taco, Tyler, and Sagan signed! Oh my god I love Taco. Haha. And I can't be sure, but is that weird thing above the "Hi =)" supposed to be a heart? Either way, it's cute as fuck aklfdjdgd;ghgf
But yeah, such a fucking amazing night and next time OF comes to Vancouver, I'm going again for sure.